Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ward Christmas Party!

December 10th
6:30pm @ our church building

We are rapidly trying to get things going as the date for the Ward Christmas Party comes quickly and We need YOU!!!  We can only make this work with All of Your Help!  This Christmas Party will be focused on Food Storage, as we all love it so much!  What we need are recipes!  Sister April Davis has volunteered to be our lovely designer for our: 26th Ward Recipe Book which will be for a Great part of the Ward Christmas party!  We need all to participate!!  We will need you to bake, cook, create your recipe and bring it prepared for our Party as we all will be sampling your recipe.  Your recipe will become famous as it stands in line for picture taking so we can have a picture included in our recipe book! This will be lots of fun!
We will also ask for recipes for things like:  Homemade laundry soap, homemade diaper wipes, cleaning products, dried milk,  anything you can think of that can be useful!
This is not a contest!  But this is specifically to go to our benefit of gaining easy, cheap recipes that we can use straight from our Food Storage.  Simple recipes are perfect, (extravagant recipes are fun too), as well as homemade household good recipes (soaps,etc.), so please don't let anything hold you back from Doing this!!  Remember, with you, we will succeed and without you...... we can't have a very large book!  :)  Please don't take this lightly, we really need you! Thanks for all you do!!

Summary:   On December 10th make sure that you bring:
                        * Yourself :)
                        * Your recipe printed out (single sheet)
                        * And your created recipe!
IF FOR SOME REASON YOU CAN'T MAKE IT, and you want to be apart of our Book,
Please email your recipe to Sister Davis  by Dec. 10th (she has a FEW days of leeway, but Hurry still!!)
If you have any questions, email Karina or Kyle Adams
or text

or call
We'll be sure to respond!--
*If you have information (special events, achievements, job opportunities, etc.) that you would like to get out to our ward we would LOVE to spread the word.  Just e-mail Sis. Megan Young at

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Wednesday, November 17th @ 7:00 pm  in the cultral hall 
WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU ALL THERE! This will be a fun new way to have Thanksgiving dinner! Everyone will be bringing foods from their missions, ethnic backgrounds, or family recipies. There will be all kinds of good food! So bring your family and come enjoy dinner and conversation! 

* Also, be sure to mark your calanders for the Ward Christmas Party. It will be held at our church on Friday, December 10th @ 6:30pm. For this activity people will be bringing recipes and food that can be made from food storage!  Stay tuned for more details!

Thursday, November 18th @ 7:00 pm at the Bishops House 
We have a special speaker coming, as well as Sister Watkins speaking to us. Come enjoy the company....and the food :)
The Bishop lives in Santa Clara. For those who would like to car pool we will be meeting in the church parking lot at 6:30!
We hope to see you all there! :)

This Sunday, Nov. 21st
Time: 11:30 a.m. (breakfast will be served)
Place: Sister Conner's House
          1425 E. 3090 S. Circle
          St. George, UT  84790

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Saturday TLC

This last Saturday we had an awesome TLC (temple, lunch, and conversation).  Hopefully we will see you all there next time!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Stake RS Dinner & General RS Broadcast

There was a great turnout of sisters' from the stake and a wonderful bean salad(see recipe below) provided for dinner. Sisters ate and visited in the gym, then we moved into the cultural hall and listened to four wonderful talks.  

To watch and read excerpts from each speaker in this September 2010 General Relief Society Meeting, Click here

From President Thomas S. Monson:
 "Charity Needed Everywhere"

From the General Relief Society Presidency:
"History Teaches Us What We Should Do" by Sister Julie B. Beck
"We Have A Vital and Essential Role" by Sister Silvia H. Allred
"Follow the Example of the Savior" by Sister Barbara Thompson

Bean Salad Recipe

1-Bag Green Leaf Salad 
Wild Coyote Ranch (or Hidden Valley Ranch packet mixed with mayo)

Toppings: Canned or fresh items, drain before serving

Garbanzo Beans
Large Pinto Beans
Mandarin Oranges
Pineapple small pieces
Shredded Mild Cheese
Chopped Olives

Ward Activity-September

Date Night 
Conclusion of Ward Consecration & Temple Week 

Wow! This event went all out! There were gorgeous table decorations and a really delicious dinner!  Pasta, salad & a variety of pies for dessert! A lot of preperation and effort went into this event & it was lovely! The speaker for the evening was Brother Hyatt, DSC Institute President, and he gave a wonderful talk on laws & blessings including the Law of Obedience, Sacrifice, Chastity, Consecration & Law of the Gospel. 

RS-2 September Activity

Visiting Teaching Workshop

"A sister in this Church has no other responsibility outside of her family that has the potential to do as much good as does visiting teaching." -Julie B. Beck

We had such a great night! Each of the RS Presidency gave presentations on over coming the road blocks of Visiting Teachings which involved many of the sisters' participation, and we watched a short video clip from General RS President, Sister Julie B. Beck. There were decorations of small road signs & caution tape, and we had a big dinner of baked potatoes, broccoli, cheese topping & salad.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

RS-2 August TLC

Temple, Lunch & Conversation

We watched the Joseph Smith video & then walked through the exhibit of paintings on loan to the visitor center. The paintings were beautiful and featured many LDS historical landmarks & temples as the sacred grove in winter, the Salt Lake Temple with a huge U.S. flag hung on it's exterior & many others. 

To view works by the artist, please visit:  Al

We also had a fantastic picnic lunch together & enjoyed the shade! If possible please come to TLC each month with us:) We have a great time together and love to visit the Temple!