There was a great turnout of sisters' from the stake and a wonderful bean salad(see recipe below) provided for dinner. Sisters ate and visited in the gym, then we moved into the cultural hall and listened to four wonderful talks.
To watch and read excerpts from each speaker in this September 2010 General Relief Society Meeting, Click here
From the General Relief Society Presidency:
"History Teaches Us What We Should Do" by Sister Julie B. Beck
"We Have A Vital and Essential Role" by Sister Silvia H. Allred
"Follow the Example of the Savior" by Sister Barbara Thompson
Bean Salad Recipe
1-Bag Green Leaf Salad
Wild Coyote Ranch (or Hidden Valley Ranch packet mixed with mayo)
Toppings: Canned or fresh items, drain before serving
Garbanzo Beans
Large Pinto Beans
Mandarin Oranges
Pineapple small pieces
Shredded Mild Cheese
Chopped Olives